用英语讲好中国故事 || 党史小故事之《一部半电台》

2022-10-17 12:48:31 华东师范大学外语学院



In December 1930, the Red Army won the First Counter-Campaign and captured a radio equipment during the war.The soldiers had never seen such a thing. Out of hatred for enemies, they damaged the radioAs a result, the radio could only receive but not transmit messagesbecoming a half radio. Mao Zedong and Zhu De were still delighted when seeing this half radio because at least it can receive intelligence. Meanwhile,Mao gave the command that everything captured in the war must be handed in intact. Soon, the Red Army captured a second radio in Dongshao, Ningdu County, and they sent it undamaged to the headquarters. Since then, the Red Army had their own radio communication equipment—the so-called “One and a Half Radios”.




On May 15, Captain Wang was on duty with two students when they received the plain code announcement between the radio stations of the headquarter of Gong Bingfan’s troop and his other armies left in Ji’an.Very soon, Captain Wang copied down the important information skillfully that the enemy would attack the stationed troops of the Red Army in Donggu. Based on this information, the Red Army immediately carried out the strategic military deployment before the war. On May 16, the first battle of the Second Counter-Campaign started. In the afternoon, the Red Army’s radio station in Baiyun Mountain command post received the “SOS” emergency signal sent by the enemy continuously. Thanks to their good preparation, the Red Army won the first victory of the Second Counter-Campaign.







This is the predecessor of technical reconnaissance force of Chinese People's Liberation Army,which are called “Golden Ear”. This is the story how one and a half radios” grow up into a strong force.


责任编辑:司同欣 潘桂钰 邱文娜 杨菁悦 邹羽

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