龙陵 x 英华青年说|(二)狱中题壁——戊戌六君子的英雄气概

发布时间:2023-03-09 21:26:05









Poem on Prison Wall

Tan Sitong

The righteous Zhang was sheltered from the persecution,

The tenacious Du endured great pain before achieving his goal.

Even with the cruel knife on my neck, I would have a good laugh facing the sky.

Leaving or staying, we will all be as fearless as the grand Kunlun Mountain.



[The Author]

Tan Sitong (1865-1898) is a patriotic reformist, statesman, and thinker in the late Qing Dynasty. He advocated advanced knowledge introduced from Western countries and called for reform movements in China. In 1898, he participated in the Hundred Days' Reform, led by two other patriotic pioneers, Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao. However, he was executed after the movement went abortive. He showed admirable bravery at the end of his life and is revered as one of the “Six Gentlemen” of the Reform.




1. 张俭 (Zhang Jian): an Eastern Han dynasty official. When Zhang served as governor of eastern Shanyang, he impeached eunuch Hou Lan for corruption and bribery. He was later framed by Hou and was forced to leave his place. Fortunately, the ordinary people admired Zhang's integrity and helped him hide from the persecution, even at the price of their lives. This story is known today as “望门投止 (wang men tou zhi)”.


2. 杜根 (Du Gen): an Eastern Han dynasty official during Emperor An's reign. Du submitted a statement to urge empress dowager Hexi to return the actual ruling power to Emperor An. But his act enraged the empress dowager, who ordered that Du be executed cruelly: put into a sack, shaken and thrown to his death. However, the executioner respected Du's character and helped him escape. Du hid in a tavern for years and returned to serve his nation again after the death of the empress dowager.

3、肝胆——喻意为真诚,如肝胆照人,《史记• 淮阴列传》:“臣愿披腹心,输肝胆,效愚计。”

3. 肝胆 (gandan, literally meaning “liver and gall”): a metaphor referring to one's candid uprightness. It was first used in Records of the Historian: The Biography of the Marquis of Huaiyin.


4. 昆仑(kunlun): Kunlun Mountain is a vast mountain range in Chinese mythology. It is usually used to refer to the vast universe.





The first two lines of this poem shows that Tan misses his fellow patriots, including Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, who were in harsh exile after the 1898 Reform failed.

The poet wished that someone would help them to weather the storm. Also, Tan fervently hoped that they patiently waited for another chance to carry forward their unfulfilled cause and eventually realize their shared aspiration. Tan quoted the stories of two righteous patriots who were treated with similar injustice in the Eastern Han dynasty: Zhang Jian and Du Gen.


The latter two lines demonstrates Tan's heroic bravery: “Even with the cruel knife on my neck, I would have a good laugh facing the sky. Leaving or staying, we will all be as fearless as the grand Kunlun Mountain.” How courageous of him! Tan's friends tried to talk him into escaping for his life after the Reform failed, and he had the time to do so, but he had made up his mind to die for the cause he believed in. At the same time, he told Liang Qichao to run away and hide for the moment, saying, “Some of us shall live so that we can advance the reform one day, but some of us shall die so that we inspire future generations of patriots!”

So, in the poem, the “leaving” refers to Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, and all the others who ran away to protect the revolutionary force, and the “staying” refers to Tan himself, among the other members of the “Six Gentlemen”, as well as the other revolutionaries who shown remarkable bravery in the face of death. They seemed to have made different choices, but they were all striving for the same goal. They all are faithful, devoted heroes of our nation.


Poem on Prison Wall. Seven-character poem by Tan Sitong. Cursive calligraphy by Xie Zhiliu.


Xie Zhiliu (1910-1998) was born in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. Xie is the former director of the China Artists Association and the chairman of Shanghai Calligrapher's Association.

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