作为人类文化遗产中的重要组成部分,古典神话在文学、艺术、哲学等方面都留下了深深的烙印。在“爱阅荐书”栏目第一篇推送中,王磊老师以英国作家斯蒂芬·弗赖(Stephen Fry)的《希腊神话新说》和续篇《希腊英雄神话新说》为例,带我们领略古典神话阅读的趣味与人文之美。本期,让我们再次跟随王磊老师进入这位作家、演员和朗诵家笔下的古典神话世界,感受作者如何以独特的幽默感和文化洞察力,为古希腊神话故事赋予更加生动、有趣、丰富的内涵。
经过漫长的等待,Stephen Fry(油炸叔)的希腊神话三部曲终曲、以特洛伊战争为主题的《特洛伊》(Troy, 2020. Penguin Michael Joseph, pp. xii+414)终于面世,着实让炸迷们和神话爱好者欢呼雀跃了一阵子。[1]
特洛伊战争在西方集体意识中一直以神话形式存在,直至1871年通过德国冒险家亨利·施里曼(Heinrich Schliemann)在今土耳其北部、达达尼尔海峡附近的土岗上的考古发掘证实为真实的历史事件。
由于自己的丰富多样的背景,Stephen Fry不仅是讲故事的高手,而且还很会写故事,能够在文字、声音、表演各形式之间自由转换,堪称古典神话宝库最称职的引路人之一。
俗话说:布丁好坏,一尝便知(The proof of the pudding is in the eating)。以下援引书中片段加上适当的注释供读者欣赏:
They say a fool and his gold are soon parted, but they ought to say too that those who refuse ever to be parted from gold are the greatest fools of all. (p. 11)[1]
[1] 特洛伊国王Laomedon雇佣阿波罗(Apollo)和波塞冬(Poseidon)修建城墙,工程完毕之时该国王拒付工钱,因此遭到两位大神的惩罚。
A young boy emerged, covered in dust. He rose up to what full dignified height he could manage.
‘If I must die, then I do so willingly as a proud prince of Troy,’ he said, and then ruined the noble effect with a sneeze. (p. 21)[2]
[2] 落入大英雄Heracles之手的特洛伊王子Podarces虽然狼狈不堪,但仍端着高贵的派头,可谓“死要面子活受罪”(shabby genteel)。
“The very grandeur and glory of the ceremony could only betoken some kind of collapse. The moment when flowers and fruits are at their fullest and ripest is the moment that precedes their fall, their decay, their rot, their death.” (p. 44)[3]
[3] 珀琉斯和忒提斯的华丽而隆重的婚礼为日后三女神对金苹果的争夺、帕里斯的裁决,乃至最终的特洛伊战争埋下了不详的种子,以鲜花及果实作比揭示了盛极而衰、物极必反亘古不变的真理。
"What vision?"
"It has been revealed to me that Achilles has two futures. One is a life of serene happiness, a long life blessed with children, pleasure and tranquillity. But a life lived in obscurity. His name will die with him."
"And the other future?"
"The other life is a blaze of glory such as the world has not seen. A life of heroism, valour and achievement that outshines Heracles, Theseus, Jason, Atalanta, Bellerophon, Perseus … every hero that ever lived. Eternal fame and honour. A life sung by poets and bards for eternity. But a short life, Peleus, so short …"Tears filled her eyes again. "Naturally, even the first life, the long life of obscurity will be short to me. Ninety winters and summers pass in a flash to an immortal. But the second future …" She shuddered. "Less than an eye-blink. We cannot allow it." (pp. 130-131)[4]
[4] 生动、传神的对话呈现了自古英雄都无法回避的所谓Achilles’ choice,当今之人也一定时而为此烦忧。
Thetis left and plunged herself into the ocean. Zeus sat and plunged himself into thought. (p. 195)[5]
[5] 海神Thetis为挽回其子Achilles所遭受的爱妾为希腊军中统帅Agamemnon所夺的耻辱,向Zeus 恳求帮助。一贯圆滑、老到的众神之神欲左右逢源、各不得罪,所以为寻求折衷之法陷入了沉思。Plunge的双关语使用生动有趣。
Aphrodite’s face transformed into a twisted mask of fury.
… …
Helen shivered at the violence of Aphrodite’s rage. The sight of divinely radiant beauty turning so quickly into a Gorgon scowl of such screeching ugliness would have frightened even the mighty Ajax. (p. 204)[6]
[6] 夸张的表达揭示了希腊神话中人物多面的性情,可谓人性多于神性。
依事件发生顺序的生动讲述(有别于荷马的in medias res)、丰富的脚注和贴心的人物和主题索引以及数张精美的彩色插图都使该书具有了一部中等规模的特洛伊战争神话百科全书的地位,一本一旦捧起便难以释手的page turner。
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